
Posts Tagged ‘media’

Random Introduction

Alright, and so the social networking circle is complete! First MySpace, then Facebook and Twitter and now I’ve signed up for WordPress so that my extended thoughts can be published to the world!

Unfortunately however, I have no idea how to do this. Two years in a failed attempt to study Media at the University of Cape Town hasn’t even equipped me to understand the prose of blogging! And so, even though my posts will probably be updated at infrequent times and I may suck at first, I’ll use this new beginning as a way to practice!

I’ll start off by introducing myself! My name is Raiven and I’mĀ  a 22 year-old guy from Cape Town, South Africa. I study the saxophone at the University of Cape Town and play in a couple of bands. Mostly, I spend my time doing things that are music related. Playing, watching, teaching, producing, studying, listening etc. etc. I enjoy reading a little bit and go out more often that not, although I probably enjoy the outdoors and chilling by myself most. I have also written a short story of my life entitled ‘My Mother Named Me Zanymede” which I’ll post just now…should be interesting.

I have no idea what to say next as probably no one will read this or care so yeah…why did I sign up for a blog? Well, I’ll probably have some noteworthy contributions to make in the future. Which I’ll think about beforeĀ  I put them up!

Until then…